Thursday, July 14, 2011

Six Weeks In...

I have wanted to update all of you for the last few weeks, but truthfully life has been crazy.  We have had our ups and downs and some joy and some tears.  This morning I woke up and a friend forwarded me a posting from another blog and I realized I just need to share it with you and not try to re-write what they so eloquently shared.  It is amazingly honest, revealing, and true.  I urge you to read the post about Rejection/Anger on this blog.  Whether you have adopted, plan to adopt, or know someone who is adopting this blog will speak to you. 

If you have adopted and have your child home you may feel like you are alone...YOU ARE NOT!  If you plan to adopt this will provide some insight about the issues these children face.  I echo what they wrote...not every child will go through this, and some will be worse...but go into adoption with your eyes open.  And if you are there as a support to someone who is adopting, PLEASE READ THIS!  These families need prayer and your understanding!! 

The family writing this blog amazes me with their willingness to take their experiences and attempt to help others.  They are handling their struggles with grace and love.  I have a lot to learn about that.  I have realized in our situation that I haven't been handling a lot of things correctly with Vika.  This week I earnestly apologized to her about that.  Thankfully I have a husband and dear friend willing to open my eyes and show me where I am failing.  Our road is not easy and there are days I think about it so much trying to 'figure it out' that I end up completely exhausted.  But I will not give up.  I was running this morning and listening to Matthew West's song Strong Enough...I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength, I don't have to be strong enough!!!

This is from the blog  http://morelovetogive.com/author/morelovetogive/
13 Jul

Things are much different now
While doing our best to be honest about the difficulties we’ve faced in our first year of adoption, we are not trying to be prescriptive in what someone else will face.  We know some have had easier times than us and some have had much, much harder times.  Also, the timetable for the difficulties is vastly different.  Some have a longer honeymoon period and take longer to get to the issues, some face issues right away and battle for longer.  The important thing to know is that every kid is different, every parent is different, every situation is different.  While it’s impossible to be fully prepared, we hope this series of posts can open up some conversation when we do face these things.
Today we wanted to talk about Rejection/Anger.  We’ve talked about this a little bit at various points in our journey, but one of the most difficult things we experienced was rejection.  Most of our rejection occurred between one daughter in particular and Holly.  We’ve heard many stories where orphaned kids connect immediately with adoptive fathers.  Dad’s being leaders in the adoption process is much more common than it used to be.  I think God is raising up a new generation of Dads who desire to father well, and that includes pursuing orphans.  When a child is pursued by a Dad, a special bond occurs.  Most orphans are raised by women.  There aren’t many men in their lives in general, and most of their biological fathers were never in the picture.  In many cases the biological mother is the one who either abandoned or neglected these kids.  In some cases, the mother realizes her inability to provide and willingly leaves her child in the hands of caregivers.  At other times, governments intervene and remove children from inadequate care.  Either way, the children feel abandoned by mothers.  We found that many caregivers deeply love the children under their watch, and we also saw just as many who were both verbally and physically abusive to the kids.  So, most of the negative experiences (or impressions) orphans have are at the hand of women.
Let me say that I don’t think this perception is necessarily grounded in reality, it’s just perception.  In our case, one of our girls remembers her biological father and one does not.  Regardless, both of them remember him as a hero.  To them – he protected them, loved them, and cared for them.  One of our girls has said from the beginning that I physically look like their biological father – their hero.  So, when I came on the scene loving them and pursuing them, I may as well have been wearing a cape.    I treated them well, but the love and acceptance they gave me was far greater than what I had earned at that point.  I was the fulfillment of a fantasy to them.  The actual truth is their biological father is the only one who could’ve rescued them and instead chose to leave.  Like I said, their perceptions are not grounded in much reality.
Equally as unfair is the judgment and rejection they immediately projected onto Holly.  One girl was definitely worse than the other in this area.  We have one alpha female, absolute control freak, general manager of the universe daughter who immediately placed herself in competition with Holly for my attention/affection.  She saw her new “mama” as a threat to her control and kept her at a distance while over-attaching to me.  This started shortly after meeting the girls.  This is an example of how sin turns the way things are supposed to be into things they should never be.  Holly is the nurturing, caring, loving, affection-showing person in our family.  She was the one with most of what they lacked.  She was the who could really repair and redeem the damage that had been done, and our girls wanted nothing to do with her.  You can imagine the emotion that creates (we’ll talk more about that in the doubt/questioning post later).  It also placed pressure on me I was uncomfortable with.  The harder thing is that one of our daughters didn’t really have the same feelings, but since her sister did, she felt compelled to compete with her for me.  Mom’s attention was the consolation prize.
That the first rejection we faced, but that’s not the only type of rejection you have to deal with.  Orphans don’t come out of a culture of love, respect, and healthy fear.  They come out of manipulation, control, and survival.  Rules don’t mean anything if they don’t help you survive.  So, they pick and choose what they want to do, and they flat out reject much of what you ask of them.  They reject what you cook for them.  They reject what they wear.  They reject how you fix their hair.  They reject pretty much everything you ask of them.  A lot of these are related to the cultural things we talked about last time, and much of this rejection subsided – some of it quickly.  However, rebellion for rebellion’s sake was a constant.
We also found that a close cousin of rejection is anger.  When they would reject things, they would often get mad about them.  They would get mad at us.  We witnessed some impressive fits of rage.  It was almost as if James 1:15 was lived out before our eyes.  Anger would start with an unhealthy desire or reaction to rejection.  That desire would lead to a fit, the fit would turn into a physical outburst, the outburst would lead to destructive behavior, and we saw very easily how that could’ve led to serious injury.  We saw a small degree of anger escalate quickly to literal kicking, screaming, rocking, destroying things, scratching themselves, scratching other people and pulling out their hair. This chain reaction would happen without provocation from anyone or anything.  Once they got on the path, it was a slippery slope.  It was painful to watch, and it was hard to re-direct.
These are just snapshots of a few of the times we experience rejection and anger.  We’ve heard a lot of stories from other families who have adopted who have experienced many other variations of rejection and anger.  Until these kids have more experience at love, protection, and security than they’ve had at insecurity, control, and fear, they’re going to battle these demons.  It’s hard when your love, sacrifice, generosity, and gospel obedience is met with hostility, rejection, and fits of rage.  It’s not the reaction you planned for.  It’s not the reaction that makes any sense.  It’s just their reality for the time being.
This wasn’t something that happened everyday, though with one of our daughters it was almost daily for a few different seasons.  We heard before we adopted, and experienced the reality that the behavior of adopted kids gets much worse after they start to feel safe and secure.  We knew that, but after a couple of months of transition, watching the wheels fall off was confusing, tiresome, and emotional draining.  Nobody’s wired to enjoy being rejected day after day.  Nobody enjoys watching anger unleash it’s fury on a defenseless subject.  This is another one of the tough realities of helping orphans walk from dark to light.   It takes a while to even get to the depths of the darkness, and it takes a longer while to shine light on those dark places one at a time.
More to come…
The Bollingers

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lesson on Faith

Our pastor preached on a passage from James 2 today.  FAITH IS A VERB he said.  Well...he is right!  It is.  And I am 41 and am only beginning to REALLY get this.  Pastor Kasey reminded us today that faith is to demonstrated by our hands and not just from our mouths...it is not enough to just speak about our faith or to go through the motions.  How am I letting faith change me? 

I am writing this...more to remind me...but also to encourage you how true this is.  Here is the point I would like to add - when your faith isn't strong enough you HAVE to reach and call upon someone else's who is.  God will put those people there for you as he did for me in Ukraine 2 weeks ago.  I was sitting in church today thinking about how broken and unsure I was 2 weeks ago.  Unless you are Melaney, Vicki, or one of the women at the Ark you will not get this...but it is TRUE!  Then...God used the women around me for His Glory and to teach me some things that will, literally, live in my heart forever.  I sat in church today KNOWING that I am living out my faith and that feels really good...but it is not because of anything I have done.  It is because God is who He is and those He has purposefully placed people in my life to change me - He wants to make me into a better person and I am all for that!

So, Pastor Kasey...thank you for another little 'gift' and reminder from God that He has not forgotten my fears of failure and inadequacy.  I know that I am called to live out my faith and I will do that boldly by surrendering my life and my daughter to Him to make us both who we are supposed to be.  And it is downright exciting (though still scary) to be really and TRULY (100%) living in faith.  It's a risk I am learning to appreciate and I will only exceed because of YOU, my Father!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Thoughts and Prayers

I have not written anything for a few days because life got tough the last few days in Ukraine and I have just needed some time to pray and think.  The details of those 2 days are not important but the lessons I learned from all of this will change me forever. 

Wednesday I went to pick up Vika’s visa at the Embassy.  The previous 14 hours had not been the easiest.  I found myself literally on my knees in the waiting room at the Embassy in total surrender to God.  I knew enough then to know this would be the only way.  I am glad no one was in there…who knows if I would have been so bold.  I literally asked God to take my daughter and me and make us both into the women we are supposed to be at the end of this.  That was only the beginning…

Melaney and I had called on dear Vicki earlier that morning asking for guidance.  That led to a trip to the Ark, a Christian retreat for orphans on the outskirts of Kiev.  God must have really wanted us there because otherwise we would have never found it.  There is something so special about finding believers and just being with them…especially after being in Ukraine for so long with none around.  I was completely broken.  I was also tired and I needed words of faith spoken to me…and they were there for me.  What I am going to share with you now are words shared with me by some of the wisest, loving, self-less women I know.  Many things were shared with me that day, but these are the words I cling to.  I pray for anyone walking this journey and questioning yourself or God.  I pray  that you take this to heart.  I also pray that you find the support and love that I did that afternoon in Ukraine.

God ordained my family from the beginning of time.  God knew that Vika was to be my daughter and he allowed her to experience the pain in her life for His ultimate glory…the glory that can come through redemption and the love of a family.  God used ‘screw-ups’ throughout the Bible to accomplish his work.  You know the list…it is long.  Well, add one more screw-up to the list because He is using me for great things now.  I am not qualified to do what He has ordained.  But God doesn’t call the qualified…He qualifies the called.  God is in the midst of creating a beautiful tapestry.  Right now all I can see are the strings and knots on the back and the mistakes and the mess.  But one day, in His time, the tapestry will be turned over to reveal the most beautiful picture that He is creating just for me.  It will be glorious beyond words.  I have to trust Him in this and be patient.  I also know I am not ‘saving’ Vika.  That is not my job…that is a job only for my God.  The reality is that she is saving me in many ways.  Since God ordained this path then the daughter He chose for me is no accident.  There are things God wants to perfect in me and He is going to do that through this process and through this child.  He wants me to die to certain things and I will only be able to do that through complete surrender and by walking this road as a mother to Vika.  God wants me to truly understand the Gospel like I have never understood it before.  God loved me when I was disgusting, wordly, and ruined.  He loves me when I am not worth loving.  This process has already taught me about this truly unconditional form of love.  Adoption is, in many ways, the heart of the Gospel.  God didn’t leave me an orphan.  Instead He adopted me to Himself and is my Father.  Likewise, I will not leave this child where she is…rather I will love her until she can learn to love herself and then I will love her more.  I will love her as my Father first loved me.  This is impossible without God. 

Something else was shared with me last night.  Some of these words were shared with me and others are my thoughts after this conversation. 

Life is hard. Raising children is hard.  Raising an adopted child is doubly hard.  The fact that we adopted a teenager makes it seem impossible.  Now that we are home I am questioning my abilities.  I find myself feeling like a colossal failure and overwhelmed.  I have spoken with a dear friend who has walked this road before and she tells me this is all normal.  I can express these feelings to her because she gets it…she has done this…and she has come out on the other side.  She did not use these exact same words but her struggles were similar and she didn’t always feel quite so competent either.  She is a blessing for sharing her story with me.

In the short time since I walked Vika out of the orphanage I have learned that it’s not enough just to love this child. She needs more…so much more. And so I have spent quite the last week wallowing in my self-pity as I have come to realize that I don't have it in me to do this.  I have cried that I can’t…I have cried that I am not ready…I have cried that I don’t know how.  I am out of ideas, I have been out of patience a few times, and I am out of resources.  God has watched me wallow in this place.  I can feel Him tugging at me…at times I feel Him downright kick me.  I can feel (and almost see His hand reaching down to me).  But for some reason I continue to go back to the doubt and to the inadequacy. 

But then last night the same dear friend (a true GOD SENT friend) shared all of these thoughts with me.  Last night God whispered a sweet but  powerful word into my ear through her.
Chosen. I have tried to encourage my already adopted son, Thomas, and now new daughter  with this word. "I chose you," I have told them.  Out of all the children in this world, I chose you as my own.  Blank stare from Vika.  Thomas believes it…he was handed to me for the first time at 5 months and came home forever at 9 months.  He knows his story and trusts me and believes this.  Vika doesn’t yet.  She hasn’t known me long enough to trust and her short life has been filled with people she hasn’t been able to trust.  Right now she doesn’t appreciate this idea at all. Its just a word.

But tonight, through my sweet friend, God did not remind me of my choice. She reminded me of His. "I chose you," He told me.  Out of all the people in this world, I chose you to parent Vika.  Will I laugh at God and tell him he made a mistake?  Will I buckle underneath the weight that my God has gently laid upon my shoulders?

But when I feel like I am out of ideas or frustrated, God sends me a gift.  I am serious about this.  He has done this repeatedly for the last week.  Just when I think, no way…I cannot and will not do this He is there.  Last week it was the precious gift of many women (many whom I had never met) who held my hands, wiped my tears, and prayed with me and for me.  Last week it was the gift of a precious 14 year old waiting in Ukraine to come home to her family.  This angel took my daughter and spoke to her in her own language about her fears and just teen-age stuff.  I don’t know what the words were and don’t care…but they were healing words I know because my daughter returned to me changed in a small way.  Yesterday God’s gift to me was watching my daughter take $5 (of the $25 birthday money from Nana) from her pocket at church and place it in the offering plate.  I could almost hear God saying to me, “She is kind hearted and compassionate in spite of her past.  Be patient, Alison…this is going to be so beautiful in the end.”  Yesterday God’s gift to me was walking into a store near my home only to be followed in by someone calling my name.  This is a woman who is walking a similar journey and with whom I have spoken on many occasions, but never met.  She lives an hour and a half away and yet, there she was just when I needed an encourager.  God’s gift to me has been a woman who dropped everything to go to Ukraine with me for 8 days just because she cares.  She didn’t stop there…she was at the dentist with us the day after we returned and calls me many times a day just to see how we are.  And God’s gift has been the one to speak all of this to me.  She has raised teenagers before and understands…and she has adopted children at this age as well.  What a blessed gift!

But God has given another gift through all of this.  Grace.   Yes…Grace!  I may be out of ideas but I am not out of grace. I may be out of patience but I am not out of grace. I may be out of resources but I am not out of grace. In fact, there was new grace this morning. And like manna, there will be just enough new grace tomorrow morning…and every morning thereafter if I will accept it.

God chose me as the parent of this child, not because he saw something wonderful in me. In fact, he knew I couldn't handle it. He gave me the burden, knowing it was too much for me to bear. God chose me so that His power could be made perfect in my weakness.  Chosen.  It is not just a word. It is also a gift. It is an opportunity. It is a difficult and narrow road. Why would I have ever expected anything less?

And now may God grant me the strength to embrace his choice; to get up out of the miry clay of doubt and unbelief; and accept His generous outpouring of grace that supplies all my needs according to his riches in glory.

Melaney and I were talking on the plane ride home.  She put in words something that I had been unable to.  It is hard to believe that in the year 2011 no one has been to Chernigivka to give these children hope.  Yes, it is in the middle of nowhere but still…no missionary, no church, no one.  Our adoption is the first there.  As of now there are 4 more families waiting to bring their children home from there.  We know that Christ will not return until every ear has heard the Gospel.  In some way it feels like He may have checked Chernigivka off of the ‘list’…because they have heard and will continue to hear.  The families that are going after us will continue to share hope - the ultimate hope of Christ - with these children and the staff.  Please pray for all of the children there...you just have no idea...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Venomous snakes terrify train passengers

  Hyperlink: Venomous snakes terrify train passengers


You thought I meant Ukraine, didn’t you?  Melaney and I are still trying to find the humor in the aftermath of the train ride.  I will refrain from the details, but if we still need humor...well….you get the picture!!

Yesterday Melaney, Vika, and I had the opportunity to meet Vicki, her husband Paul, and their two fabulous children.  They are in Kiev to finalize the adoption of 2 teenagers.  They both speak fairly good English.  It was so wonderful to watch all 3 kids interact and laugh.  These will be lifetime friends of ours and Vika’s.  Vicki is an amazing woman of God who has willingly advised me, counseled me, and walked through this adoption with me.  She understands the transition these children go through but she also understands how precious these kids are.  She is passionate about the orphan situation in Ukraine and is an inspiration to anyone she encounters. 

Before I left for Ukraine (this time) one of her friends mentioned a book called Orphanolgy.  I bought it for some ‘light’ plane reading!!  In all seriousness, it is a book that has changed me forever.  I have not finished the book yet but I am confident of God’s plan and purpose for my life – the plight of orphans.  To me, adoption is an expression of the most pure form of love…the same love God has for me.  Here is a quote from Orphanology, “The greater work of grace is not our adoption of kids, but God’s adoption of us, through Jesus Christ.  Traveling to another country to adopt is one thing, but for God to leave heaven for earth to adopt sinners is an act of amazing grace.” 

I believe that every child on earth is valuable and deserves a loving family and children deserve to be tucked in at night and told that they are loved.  Vicki, Melaney, and I share this desire.  We have no idea where this will lead.  We only know we have to find and do something about it.  There is a quote I love, “When it comes to caring for the people on God’s heart, indifference is a sin.” (Tom Davis).

Today was our Embassy appointment.  The girls’ slumber party last night seemed to go on and on (like tonight’s!) so we slept in as much as we could.  Vika and I went with Alexey to the Embassy.  It was painless.  Then for the medical exam….Vika was seen by a US Embassy doctor.  This is a requirement for immigration.  After the wait and the FULL exam, she told us what we already knew…HEALTHY!  After the Embassy we went back to get Aunt Melaney to go shopping.  We found so many great things for family and our kids.  It was really a great day. 

Tomorrow Victoriya and I will pick up her visa and then…HOME on Thursday!  Jason and Kevin have been so cute and patient (Kevin you still have one more shout out on the blog to come!).  We love you both and we would not be here without the sacrifices and support you have given us.  We love you and thank you!!!  Many fun times to come this summer!!!

Families traveling to Chernigivka after us…these are our thoughts tonight…We are praying for you all…


PRAY A LOT!!!!!!!!


You must have a sense of humor.  If you take things too seriously you will be miserable.


Expect the unexpected.


When we saw Chernigivka for the first time we realized that it really is in the middle of nowhere.  It takes a long time to get there.  Planes and trains aren’t great…then the roads are worse.  Plan for it!  DRAMAMINE!


Expect 160km/hour when in a car (at least when in a rush for a 3 hour passport!!)


Be patient with Ukrainian food.  There is no variety in Chernigivka.  Remember that our children have eaten this same food for years and survived.  You will too.


The orphanage will not allow food from the outside to be given to the children.  This means shipped or taken!


Cleanliness is not to the standards you know.  Just be prepared.      


Your child has been at Chernigivka since hosting.  It is obviously different there and, even though you are there, you are not in control.  Get to know the staff.  Many we met GENUINELY love these children and want to help you!!!


Be prepared for this experience to change you.  You will not understand the magnitude of the situation until you are there.  Like our friend Nanette told Melaney…when you come to them it means so much.  Be prepared for a range of emotions.  What you are doing it special and not forgotten.


If you have a hard time sleeping, be prepared.  Bring a fan, anything you need to be comfortable (TP included!!)


If you are adopting a teenager…we are kindred spirits.  PM me and we can talk!


Prepare a letter in Russian/Ukrainian for your children reiterating your feelings and your purpose.  Trust me…there will be a night you are tired and trying to communicate.  This letter can be a life-saver!


Random thought (esp for families adopting girls)…pack a cute outfit for court but don’t give it to them until the night before!  I wish I had done this!


Expect to fall in love again with another child as well.  If you spend any time with any other children (and you have a heart), you will be on a mission for those children (or back again!!!).


If you like ice (or a cold beverage) pack ice cube trays! 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Late Night with Kevin

While Kevin, husband to Melaney, has been home riding his bicycle with her father, eating very well, and getting much rest in a large, comfortable bed Melaney has been frantically assisting me and on her own search as well.  So Kevin, when you return to Chernigivka I request a like photo (see 1st pic above) from you stamped, notarized, and appostilled.  I also expect you to thank your lovely wife for her hard work!!!!
(Love you, Kevin...you asked for it!!!)

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

CLICK here for pics from the last 2 days

We were so tired last night after our day that I didn’t have a lot of energy to type much but I wanted to share a little more about the process after the 10 day waiting period for those soon to travel.

I can only talk about my experience with Sergei…but he gets it done.  I cannot believe all we got done in a day.  As a matter of fact Melaney and I keep asking each other what day it is.  It is not because it has been a bad trip, rather we have accomplished so much that it is hard to grasp that really this is only the end of day 2 here.  What Sergei got done yesterday is unreal:
- leave for Vika’s hometown
– arrive and wait for new birth cert in new name
– leave for Tax ID office
– leave for Chernigivka
– arrive Chernigivka
– Leave Chernigivka (after final paperwork, lunch, and a few necessary, short goodbyes)
– Arrive Zaporozhyze
– Back and forth between notary and passport office about 5 times
PASSPORT (in less than 3 hours!)

Today we slept in and left for Chernigivka.  There was no time yesterday to deal with the toys and presents we brought.  We THOUGHT we had it worked out with Alex to see all of the kids today…BUT when we got there he was out of town.  His wonderful secretary was there.  She apologized but said we would have to leave the gifts for the official meeting they have on Sunday mornings where they will hand out the gifts.  Families who sent things…the secretary who is a Saint understands each situation and has the gifts marked for each child.  She also has birthday supplies for Natasha and Sasha and some for their group of their friends.  I am sorry it wasn’t what you wanted, but I can promise we did our best!  We did get to spend some time tying up loose ends with Vika and her friends and doing a couple of other things.  So all in all it was a good trip and we know the kids will get their things tomorrow.  I will say this…Vika has every letter, packing label, anything I ever sent her.  They even sent her out with the same suitcase we sent her back with in January.  So I do believe you can rest assured that they receive everything you send.  The secretary did ask me today to tell any other families to please not send food, candy, or gum in the packages!  J

Now onto the interesting trip back to Kiev!  The prop plane doesn’t fly on weekends and we wanted to go ahead and get to Kiev so we opted for the overnight train.  The train is an experience all its own and the prop plane that we took to get to Zap dims in comparison to this.   I think that the bathrooms at the train station, the temperature in the train at the end of May, the amount of room in our compartment, luggage for 3 (including sweet Vika’s life’s positions) are not for the faint of heart.  It is a lot…but once the train starts to move and the temperature decreases you can use the bathrooms (FYI why do you think you can’t use the bathroom when the train is stationary???).  Technology needs to improve to include smells with pictures to really get the true impact!!  

But then you see your daughter smiling on the top bunk of a 4x6 compartment and you realize this is SOOO AWESOME!  We set up a DVD player are watching a movie.  We ate some snacks and water (that we brought) and will be in Kiev before in the morning!  Honestly, it was rough in the beginning because of the bathrooms at the station and the heat.  The bathrooms are literally detestable and not fit for animals.  I don’t understand that.  But the train is quiet and has a gentle rocking motion.  Just don’t forget the packs of Kleenex, hand sanitizer, and wet wipes!

The highlights of the day…
When we were driving back from Chernigivika, she laid down in my lap and let me rub her hair.  It was hard to leave her friends for a second time today and I was honored she allowed me to console her a little and start to me a mom to her.

This afternoon I called to check on Jason and the kids and I told her to say hi to her Dad.  She looked at me and I said your Papa.  She took the phone and had a big smile on her face.  She spoke for a second and then said, “I love you.”

The second the train started Vika opened the bag she brought out of the orphanage.  She pulled out a stack of photographs that her grandmother gave her last weight.  They are the MOST prized possessions I now own.  There are wedding pictures of her mother and father and childhood pictures of her.  I cannot explain what it felt like to see this angel standing at 3 or 4 in front of a Christmas or at 7 or8 dressed like a princess.  I don’t want to sound like a bragging mother, but Melaney said it first…she was the most precious child and I am so thrilled that they were gracious enough and cared enough to send them.  I had a hard time with her being gone last week but I now see that this was a gift God gave her and me.  It was closure for her and provided me a glimpse into her life and past I would never otherwise have.  The day was wrapped up and tied with a bow!

Good night…we are hoping to meet other with another family in Kiev tomorrow so we should rest, at least a little!

Hugs to you all

Post Part 2

We arrived in Kiev this morning.  Melaney and I were so exhausted it was like our bodies were made of lead.  We immediately showered and all 3 of us took another nap.  After that it was lunch and we went walking around.  There was a huge event in the City Center so it was crazy busy.  It was fun to walk around and people watch.  We ate lunch out and then went to the store.  Our plans are to make dinner tonight and go to bed at a NORMAL time tonight! 

Now that the train ride is over we both said we would not do that again.  When you are here for adoption you have more bags than most people on the train.  It is long and was beyond warm.  It wasn’t pleasant for that long…especially when you are tired.  Our recommendation is…the plane!! 

Friday, May 27, 2011

First Day of the Rest of Her Life

We are exhausted from the long day so I will post the details tomorrow and more amazing pics!!!  Melaney, my resident journalist and photographer, and I have to go to bed.  She and I will post more pics tomorrow!
But a couple praises:
1.  For a faithful God who has blessed us beyond measure
2.  For the AMAZING friends who have literally prayed us through this process
3.  For a ONE DAY passport!  God has been unwavering to show us His awesomeness and he did the unheard AGAIN today

The US Embassy is closed Monday for the holiday so we have our appt there Tuesday and then we pick up her Visa Wednesday.  We fly HOME Thursday and arrive at 4pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today was the day I was given a daughter and it was unbelievable...but we did learn tonight that the brother Vika has (he is 4) was returned to an orphanage last week.  The family he had been placed with were deemed not fit after a year or so and he was removed from their care and placed back in an institution.  One of the things Vika did last with her family was to go see him.  He is currently in the same city we are in tonight and I cannot help but wonder what we are supposed to do with this information. 

We are headed back to Chernigivka tomorrow for a half day of loving and playing with the kids then we will take the overnight train to Kiev.  Accommodations will be more comfortable there, so the time there should be good.

Love you all...and we cannot wait to be home as a FAMILY!

Jason, Alison, VIKA, Meagan, Garrett, Emma, Thomas