Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Family of 7...and MCDONALDS!!!!

We are now a family of 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We had court today.  It was at 10am and lasted for about an hour.  During the hearing the judge only asked us to speak to Jason and I a couple of times.  He just wanted the overall picture of how we came to know Vika and why we wanted to adopt her.  He asked Vika a few questions about her time staying with us and what she wanted.  Then he left and said he would be back with his decision.  Sergei said it was standard practice and they use this time to type the order.  About half an hour later he came back in with the  jurors and read about 4 pages of 'findings'. Towards the end it was ordered that they approved of our petition to adopt Vika and approved the name change!  As soon as he was finished he asked us to wait a moment.  He went into a back room and came out carrying 2 large bouquets of flowers...one for Vika and one for me!!!  We were all speechless!  He continued to say that the flowers were in honor of the first adoption hearing and adoption in Chernigivka and the hopes of many more!  He was amazingly kind and gracious and even went outside to take pictures on the steps of the courthouse with us.  (I left the camera in Sergei's car so I will upload those tomorrow, but I took one of Vika with my phone which I posted.)  All Sergei could say was that he had never had this kind of treatment in 10 years.  The people in Chernigivka are very good, loving, and considerate people.  We have been blessed by their hospitality and generosity to us.  I am excited for the other families who are coming behind us to experience the culture of our children and to learn a little bit about their lives. 

We went back to the orphanage for some final goodbyes.  It was so cute...Vika walked in carrying her flowers and a photo album we brought for her and she was instantly mobbed by kids who surrounded her and wanted to know all about it and see the flowers.  It was nice to watch her feel special (which she is!).  Then it was time for good-bye.  I will be back here 2 weeks from today but it was still hard.  We bought her some shampoo and soap and a few things she said she needed until I returned, then she and I started crying.  She understands why I need to go home for this period, but it was so hard to watch and I felt awful at that moment.

After all of that we headed to Zap to get a couple of forms notarized since Jason will not be coming back with me in 2 weeks.  Then after that...MCDONALDS!  Thomas, Jason, and I ate like we hadn't eaten in years!  You cannot imagine how it tasted after 2 weeks of porridge 2 meals a day (served with fish!).  It may be the best meal I have ever eaten (and I NEVER eat fast food at home!). 

Now we are in our room ready for bed and excited to head home in the morning.  We have 3 flights to get there and should be at our house about 11pm our time (thank you Charlie for picking us up tomorrow!).  NOTHING is going to feel so good as seeing our house.  Then we get to get the dogs Saturday morning! 

So sleep well tonight.  We are still praying for all of you and can't wait to be home and see everyone.  We are tired and I hate not having Vika with us right now...but I feel such a sense of relief and completeness.  I am a happy mom tonight!!!

Sweet dreams!  Oh...and I think I have a travel buddy for my trip back here!  She will make the trip all the more special!!!  Luv you, M!

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